How to Give Feedback at Work

Giving and receiving feedback is a crucial part of our professional development. 92% of people in one study, said that negative feedback is effective at improving workplace performance. However, when it comes to delivering negative feedback, we might not always get it right.  One of the most important things we need to be aware of, is knowing how a person might […]

How to: Align Your Team Through Conversations

Aligning your team is crucial. However, some leaders aren’t versed in the art of alignment conversations, making it difficult to get on the same page as managers, peers and direct reports.  Why are Alignment Conversations Important?  It is these important conversations that ensure we are focused on the right outcomes, are heading in the same direction and […]

Four Common Traits of Highly Emotionally Intelligent People

Have you ever encountered a person who is a master at managing their emotions? This person doesn’t get angry in stressful situations, instead confronts the problem with rationality and a sense of calm?  How about someone who is so self-aware that they know, understand and constantly look to improve their weaknesses? They take feedback well, then use it […]

The Benefits of Developing a Growth Mindset in a Crisis

How Can a Difficult Experience Offer Opportunities for Growth?  We are currently enduring an unpredicted, unpredictable and extremely difficult period, right now. Covid-19 has shattered our world views disrupting the normality of our lives. There are no boundaries to this virus. Everyone regardless of age, gender, race, socio-economic status or geography is susceptible to suffering through this experience. Despite the challenges we all face, we can take […]

Leadership Not Management: What’s the Difference?

Leadership is about our ability to inspire people so they want to follow, whilst Management is about managing things.  We all want to be better leaders. Earlier this year, when we were thrown into a state of uncertainty and consequently, panic, it gave us the unique opportunity to step up and prove ourselves as leaders. Along with opportunity comes challenge. One cannot […]

Do You Have a Success Bias?

It is a known fact that when humans are faced with a critical situation that requires sudden action from learnings we have encountered in the past, we become creatures of habit!  Although we may be a complex evolving machine that can master various activities at once, much of our lives are governed by our emotional, behavioural or […]

The Need to Streamline Your Approval Process

As we begin to resurface from the socio-economic crisis that was COVID-19 into a new form of normality, the prevailing ability successful businesses have displayed which has allowed them to craft quick effective solutions is agility.  Organisations famous for being agile, who are adaptive, flexible and creative in a crisis, are known for having high levels of empowerment, meaning they have a small ‘buffer’ for people who are empowered to […]

Three Most Important Behaviours During a Crisis

With the loosening of social distancing restrictions in the past week, it’s easy to feel like we are emerging from the shadow of COVID-19. There are certainly reasons to celebrate and feel positive! But there is a long road to recovery ahead, with more workforce and employment instability as well as ongoing safety and health risks that need to be […]

Power of Emotional Resilience

The rapid global outbreak of the Coronavirus has presented itself as an alarming health crisis that currently, the world is grappling with and calls for an equally matched emergency response. The social and economic impact has proven to test even the most resilient, bringing on anxiety, instability and emotional stress to many, creating immense psycho-social disturbances. We, as humans, are designed to […]

From Technical Leader to Expert: Are You Facing Any of These Roadblocks?

When reflecting on your career path, where are you working towards and are you confident that you are focusing on the right areas? If you are in a leadership role, are you putting enough of your attention into vision, strategy and culture, or are you getting waylaid by the technical or functional tasks?  The shift […]

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