Three Most Important Behaviours During a Crisis

With the loosening of social distancing restrictions in the past week, it’s easy to feel like we are emerging from the shadow of COVID-19. There are certainly reasons to celebrate and feel positive! But there is a long road to recovery ahead, with more workforce and employment instability as well as ongoing safety and health risks that need to be kept front of mind. 

Which is why it is more important than ever to keep in mind the key behaviours that will help us, our teams, our companies, our families and our communities to get through this crisis.


The result of extended physical distance and isolation is dysconnectivity, which means we must connect in other ways and through all platforms available to us as often as possible. By increasing the frequency when touching base, opportunities will emerge for us to provide much needed support. 


As we connect, teams, co-workers and, family members will share their stresses. The financial and social uncertainty that has been brought on by the pandemic has been unprecedented and it is critical that we respond to others with, above all else, compassion. Compassion goes a step further than empathy and involves good deeds and acts of kindness. 


The devastation of COVID-19 has affected every single person on the planet in one way or another. Never, in recent history, has humanity experienced a challenge like this. To ensure it unites us, instead of divides us, we must make sacrifices and compromise in order to help others. In our companies, this involves crisis meetings, task forces and doing things we have never done before. Exceptional inter-team co-operation is vital, all the while remembering to lend a hand where needed.  

Our Partner and Director at Corporate Edge, John Colbert discusses the importance of focussing energy on these three areas right now. Take three minutes to watch and feel free to share this with colleagues or anyone you know who might get value from this. 

NEW Corporate Edge Program: Leading Through Adversity  

Organisational instability, financial pressures and escalated health risks in the workplace, not to mention the personal challenges of working remotely and family insecurity are putting our leaders under extraordinary stress. Add this to a slowing economy, rapidly changing policies and increased unpredictability and it can be challenging to keep the focus on culture and align teams. 

Exceptional times call for exceptional measures which is why our team at Corporate Edge have developed the newest addition to our suite of programs ‘Leading Through Adversity’.

Specifically tailored to be delivered remotely in a webinar format and delivered over 10 modules, this new program incorporates the unique challenges faced by leaders during the COVID-19 crisis and engages them to unleash transformative resilience within their teams. Leading Through Adversity is built around the VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity) and provides leaders with insights, tools and strategies to navigate effectively through the VUCA world and learn how best to lead during challenging times.

Please contact our friendly team at if you are keen to know more.   


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