A Guide to Getting Out of the Comfort Zone Trap

We’re all familiar with our own personal comfort zones. They are unique for every individual, but essentially they’re a place where our subconscious puts all of our habits. The things we do without thinking, the things we enjoy, and the things we find, well, comfortable. The problem is that while we remain in our comfort zones, […]
Eight Mistakes Companies Make That Kill Cooperation

The holy grail for organisational leaders is a culture of cooperation. Cooperation must come before collaboration because people need to ‘want’ to work together towards an over-arching purpose or vision, before they can effectively work on a project together and solve a problem. Companies with cooperation get the benefit of no wasted energy. Everyone is heading in exactly […]
Four Ways to Create a Culture of Accountability

Have you ever been in a situation as a leader, where you’ve planned to make progress on a project in a meeting with your team, only to check back in a couple of weeks later and find out that no real progress has been made? Or maybe you’ve been in a situation where you’ve fallen […]