Mid-level leaders coaching

Unlocking Leadership Potential Coaching Program

On average, teams with effective managers perform better by 53%.

BetterUp ‘Coaching Culture Insights Report 2023’
Great leaders aren’t born. With the right coach, the right tools and a heavy dose of accountability, we believe the right leaders can be created.
We believe emerging and middle managers are the key to a successful organisational strategy and they need all the support they can get. They’re the cohort with the biggest impact but are typically the most overlooked. Whether you have a high performing leader or someone who was recently promoted, it’s crucial they learn the foundational leadership strategies to effectively lead their team, foster an environment of safety and learn to build trust.

Program benefits

A tailored coaching experience has always been reserved for c-suite and executive roles. Understanding the greatest impact comes from mid-level leaders we have designed a coaching program to quickly upskill and enhance leaders with fundamental skills, addressing real-time challenges in our comprehensive approach.
We live and breathe leadership. Going back to basics, even as skilled and certified coaches has always been the greatest approach. Understanding the inherent needs for new and emerging leaders, we coach the fundamentals of self-awareness, skill-development and leading effectively.
With our experienced corporate coaches, we know the incredible impact that coaching has on people. With tailored support and a heavy dose of accountability, we help your new leaders rapidly upskill for the better, giving them a headstart on their leadership journey.

A culture of coaching increases engagement by up to 18%.

BetterUp 'Coaching Culture Insights Report 2023'

What's included?

Three 1-hour coaching sessions over three months with your coach of choice. After a simple chemistry call with our available coaches, you’ll find the right person to coach your new and emerging leaders.
Access to three targeted and specific online learning modules, to continue embedding and honing your skills, in between coaching sessions. This ensures you stay on track and continue improving.
Access to three downloadable toolkits and a coaching journal to keep. These tools support your leadership journey by continuing to embed and hone fundamental leadership skills.

52% increase in feeling a sense of belonging in a high coaching culture.

BetterUp 'Coaching Culture Insights Report 2023'

You don’t even need to ask for budget.


Invest in your leaders and witness their potential.

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