Living Your Corporate Culture: How to Create a Workplace People Love 

Building a corporate culture that works isn’t just about hitting performance targets or boosting the bottom line – it’s about creating an environment where individuals and teams thrive. 

A great organisational culture is one that fosters high performance, considers mental health and wellbeing, and ultimately leads to happier, healthier employees who are engaged and productive. It’s about more than just the work; it’s about transparency, meaningful connections, and leaders who live and breathe the culture every day. It’s about showing up every day and knowing you’re contributing to a greater purpose that you feel connected and aligned to. 

We’ve worked with large organisations to capture their culture, and we’re going to explore how modern businesses can create and maintain a thriving organisational culture through transparency, connections, and by going beyond just the tasks at hand. We’ll also look at how living and breathing the values of your organisation can create an environment where people and performance flourish side by side. 

Transparency: The Foundation of Trust 

Transparency builds trust, and trust is the epitome of any great team and culture. When leaders are open about the organisation’s challenges, successes, and decision-making processes, they foster a culture where employees feel secure, valued, and part of something greater. Transparency is also key in setting realistic expectations, reducing anxiety, and aligning everyone towards common goals. 

Leaders who share company performance data, even the tough numbers, show that they trust their teams with the truth. This openness and treating everyone as equals empowers teams to come together, find solutions, and innovate for the future. 

Connections and Interpersonal Relationships: The Glue That Holds It All Together 

People are at the heart of every culture. It’s the relationships between individuals that create the fabric of an organisation. Encouraging connection through team-building, collaborative projects, and open communication channels helps to foster a sense of belonging. When individuals feel truly connected, they’re more engaged and committed. 

High-performing teams don’t just collaborate on projects — they support each other personally. When leaders and teams invest in relationships beyond the work, it creates a sense of community where people feel seen and heard. Wellbeing becomes more than just a corporate initiative; it becomes a natural byproduct of genuine connection and care.  

It’s More Than Just the Work 

A modern corporate culture understands that employees are whole people, not just workers. You need to create an environment where people feel supported to pursue personal growth and balance their wellbeing with work demands. This doesn’t just result in healthier employees but also in more engaged, innovative, and productive teams. 

Offering flexible work hours, targeted wellbeing programs, development opportunities and mental health days (and more!) signals to employees that their health, both mental and physical, is a priority. These initiatives are a vital part of sustainable high performance. It’s about showing that the organisation values them as individuals, not just for the tasks they complete. 

Communicate it! Live and Breathe it! 

The best corporate cultures are not just written in policy documents — they’re lived and breathed every day. Communication is essential, but it must be backed by action. Only 7% of what we say cuts through, therefore by showing up with action instils trust. Leaders need to embody the values of the organisation in everything they do, from the way they make decisions to how they interact with teams. 

Sharing success stories within the company and recognising behaviours that align with your values keeps the culture front and centre. It’s not enough to say, “We care about wellbeing” — it has to be demonstrated through everyday interactions and decisions. 

Your Culture as a Beacon 

Finally, your culture becomes a selling point — not just for potential employees, but for clients and partners as well. When people see the positive, thriving environment you’ve created, it sets an example of what’s possible. You’re not just building a culture for your own organisation, but also leading the way for others to follow suit. 

Prioritising Wellbeing 

When wellbeing is prioritised, people feel valued as individuals, not just as workers. This leads to reduced burnout, lower absenteeism, and a more innovative and committed workforce. It’s a vital component of any high-performing organisation because when employees feel supported, they bring their best selves to work. The result? A business that doesn’t just thrive financially, but also becomes known as a great place to work — a place where people want to be and contribute their best. Employee health and organisational performance are not two sides of different coins. They’re inextricably connected, two sides of the same coin.  

A successful organisational culture is the foundation for sustainable high performance, mental wellbeing, and overall business success. Understanding the links between transparency, interpersonal connections, and prioritising mental health, works to create a workplace where individuals and teams thrive. By focusing on more than just the work and truly living the organisation’s values, leaders can foster an environment of trust, innovation, and engagement. When culture is built intentionally and communicated effectively, businesses experience reduced burnout, higher productivity, and are renowned as great places to work. 


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