Say Hello to Ted Johnson!

Corporate Edge is expanding! And, as the company grows, so does our team. So we’re excited to officially introduce our very own Ted Johnson!  Ted is one of our Culture & Leadership Partners, located in sunny Brisbane, QLD. There must be something in the water up there!   With more than 30 years’ experience in retail […]

Say Hello to Sarah Kolb!

Corporate Edge is expanding! And, as the company grows, so does our team. So we’re excited to officially introduce our very own Sarah Kolb!  Sarah is one of our Culture & Leadership Partners, located in the beautiful Perth, WA.  Sarah has 25 years’ experience in successful retail and hospitality environments, where she has worked across […]

Say Hello to Lisa McMaster!

Corporate Edge is expanding! And, as the company grows, so does our team. So we’re excited to officially introduce our very own Lisa McMaster!  Lisa is one of our Culture & Leadership Partners, located in sunny Brisbane, QLD.  Lisa has 25 years experience working for and with companies in a range of industries, including: She’s […]

2021: All Wrapped Up!

And there we have it. Another year done and dusted and one for the history books! It’s been another intense and turbulent year as we navigated the aftermath of the 2020 pandemic, both in our work lives and at home. You might be feeling tired, exhausted, running on adrenaline and caffeine, energetic for the last […]

The Importance of a Check-in

Our teams have felt incredibly disjointed this year. With the sudden jump to lockdown and full-time remote work, we feel that the connection to our teams have dropped significantly. So where did it all go wrong? Well, we stopped checking-in with each other. Those quick catch ups in the kitchen making a coffee, or walking […]

Shift Your Mindset and Learn to Accept Change

Change is inevitable. A lot of us have had to learn how to adapt quite quickly, which can be a major mental hurdle when you don’t have the proper knowledge on how to shift your mindset and embrace change. What is a Mindset? Your mindset has been developed throughout your lifetime. It is a combination […]

How to Love Your Job Again

Recently, we were scrolling through Harvard Business Review and we came across an interesting article titled “Rediscover Joy at Work”, written by Rebecca Newton in early September 2021. It was an eye opener as it revealed why some of us feel like we have lost our spark at work. An organisational and social psychologist, Newton has observed four root causes of the current joyless relationship […]

Redefining Productivity in the Wake of the Pandemic

Productivity looks different now than it did pre-pandemic. In this hybrid way of working that we’re currently experiencing; our lives look different. Productivity isn’t bound by the space of our desk or the doors to the office. Working from home looks like being a productive and present parent during home schooling, or taking a break mid-afternoon to clean the kitchen, or showing up […]

Six Ways to Find Freedom in Lockdown

Ahh lockdown, another day, another week, another month. BUT we are surviving because we are keeping ourselves creatively occupied, and feeling free (well, as free as possible!)  We all know that people’s mental health has suffered through lockdown. But there are things that we can all do daily to help with our sense of freedom while we move through the daily motions […]

How to Master Workplace Communication in Three Easy Steps

Communication, communication, communication. It’s the life force behind great relationships and yes, that applies to workplace relationships too. Honest, open and frequent communication is how work gets done with efficiency and accuracy whilst promoting a healthy workplace culture.  When we say workplace communication, we are referring to:  How Do We Communicate? We are always communicating, whether we know […]

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