The #1 End of Year Activity You Must Do: A Retrospective 

As hard as it may be to believe, the end of the year is already fast approaching. Many of us are sprinting towards the finish line, eager to take a well-deserved break over the holiday period to spend time with family, friends, maybe go on a holiday. 

While it can be tempting to just push through and finish the year off, there’s a powerful opportunity in these final weeks of the year that shouldn’t be overlooked – intentional reflection through a team retrospective. 

At Corporate Edge, we recommend making space and time for your team to come together and reflect on the year that’s been. While it’s often said that we learn from experience, what we learn even more from is taking the time to reflect on that experience. This process of reflection helps you understand what worked, what didn’t, and how to build on the lessons from the past 12 months. 

Within our Operations Team, we conduct quarterly retrospectives to understand at a whole team level what worked, what didn’t, what pushed us forward and how we’d like to continue on. This process realigns expectations, sets new goals and celebrates the wins we’ve had along the way. 

Why Reflection Matters 

Rushing into the new year without looking back can feel like progress, but it’s a missed opportunity. By gathering your team to reflect, you create a moment to recognise achievements, learn from challenges, and set the stage for a strong start in the new year. 

Great reflection questions are simple, yet powerful. Start with these. 

  • What have we achieved together this year? 
  • What have we learned about ourselves and each other as a team? 
  • What have we done exceptionally well, and what can we improve for next time? 
  • What are our strengths as a team, and where can we develop further? 
  • What opportunities lie ahead that we haven’t fully tapped into? 
  • What do we want to leave behind in 2024, and what do we want to carry forward into 2025? 

By asking these questions, you’ll create space for meaningful conversations that lead to deeper connections, better alignment, and a stronger sense of shared purpose. It allows for honesty and constructive conversations to unpack the lessons of the past, and take the learnings into the new year. 

Why a Retrospective is Important 

A retrospective isn’t just a powerful tool for teams — it has so much potential and value for individuals and the business as a whole. 

For teams, it strengthens cooperation, encourages honest and open conversations and ensures alignment on goals. On an individual level, it provides the chance to reflect on personal growth, contribution and areas for professional development. It’s an opportunity to celebrate wins, acknowledge challenges, and set personal goals for the new year. For the business, retrospectives foster a culture of continuous improvement. 

When both individuals and teams take the time to reflect, the business benefits from deeper insights and more engaged individuals. A reflective culture is a high-performing one. Ensuring that lessons learned translate into meaningful actions, driving progress across all levels of the organisation. 

By encouraging retrospectives at every level — team, individual, and organisational — you create a ripple effect of learning and growth. 

Plan for a Restorative Break 

Another, often-overlooked aspect of end of year planning, is ensuring your team is set up to truly maximise their time off. Instead of simply winding down, think about how you can intentionally structure your downtime to ensure that everyone returns in the new year recharged and ready to take on fresh challenges. 

Before breaking for the holidays, ask your team how they plan to disconnect, recharge, and make the most of their time off. Not only does this encourage healthy work-life balance, but it also reinforces that rest is an essential part of high performance. 

Set Intentions for 2025 

Reflection isn’t just about looking back. It’s equally important to use what you’ve learned to prepare for the future. Once your team returns in January, schedule another session to align on how you’ll approach the opportunities of 2025. This is your chance to hit the ground running with a renewed sense of clarity and focus. 

Here’s a few questions to get you started. 

  • What opportunities are coming down the pipeline in 2025? 
  • How do we want to approach these opportunities as a team? 
  • How can we build on what we’ve learned to make the next year even better? 

By creating time to plan for the year ahead, your team will be equipped to navigate the complexities and potential challenges of 2025 with confidence, creativity and alignment. 

Make Reflection a Habit 

Intentional reflection shouldn’t be limited to the end of the year. Make it a regular part of your team’s rhythm. By creating space for reflection throughout the year, you’ll build a culture of continuous improvement and ensure that your team is always learning, adapting, and growing. 

As you race towards the finish line of 2024, don’t just fall across it — take the time to pause, reflect, and learn from it. When you do, you’ll enter 2025 with the clarity, focus, and energy needed to make it your best year yet. 

Helping teams thrive all year round is one of our strengths, and Culture & Leadership Partner, Allie Rosen, is an expert when it comes to guiding strong teams to a strong finish. Working with an external facilitator for your retrospective, means you can focus on the necessary conversations, encouraging honesty and open feedback, while we mediate and make sure you get the best out of the session. 

If you’re interested in booking a retrospective for your team, get in touch! or give us a call! 


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