2024 Workplace Trends

2024 has kicked off with continued discussions around status-quo challenging topics such as the 4-day work week, mandatory return-to-office rules, and new workplace laws. Two months down and ten more to go, we think this year is going to be a year of change. What new trends and discussions will become centre stage for the remainder of the year?

From a recent Culture Amp webinar, we’ve sourced the top five trends that we believe will play a growing role in connecting, engaging, and retaining top team members.

  1. Trust and Transparency 
  2. Next Gen Managers 
  3. Commute-Worthy Workplaces 
  4. Artificial Intelligence 
  5. Regulatory Changes

1. Trust and Transparency 

Trust is crucial to developing strong, lasting relationships and transparency can lead to aligned and inclusive teams. However, in times of stress and unpredictable macro environments, trust and transparency can quickly drop off the list of priorities.  

In 2023, many organisations experienced “cost-saving initiatives, job cuts and closed communication”1, resulting in rising tension between employees and employers. To rebuild confidence in leadership, leaders must start with trust and transparency with their teams. It’s a daunting task, but one that we believe is crucial to successful workplaces in 2024.  

Consider implementing the below: 

  • When in difficult situations, resist the temptation to go quiet and instead open two-way communication. Rather than ticking the communication box by sending a top-down email, leaders should take the time to start the conversation and listen to others to understand their perspectives and ensure alignment. This may be in the form of all-team meetings, morning huddles or focus groups. 

2. Next Gen Managers

There are four generations currently comprising the workforce: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z.  Each group has unique qualities that they bring to the workplace as explored in our thought piece on Generational Shifts. Understanding the values, expectations and characteristics of each generation is important, especially as “Gen Z is poised to overtake Baby Boomers in the full-time workforce by early 2024.”2

With generational shifts come new individuals in new roles. Generation Y and Z are increasingly populating middle-management roles, an area that is generally under-invested and higher-level leadership positions. As leaders, consider the below: 

  • Invest in upskilling new managers. Develop their soft skills and other areas to enable them to succeed, give them the tools that will set them up for success not just in their current role, but in future roles. This creates top talent that will continue to grow and evolve your team and organisation. This can be achieved through internal mentoring, attending webinars/conferences, subscriptions to online learning platforms or even participation in leadership development programs. If you are interested in achieving your full potential, feel free to contact us.
  • Middle managers are an asset to any organisation, as they are the conduit between leadership and direct reports. They ensure strategic objectives are executed and on track, as well as being a source of inspiration for teams. Upskill your middle managers through a targeted and flexible coaching program with Corporate Edge. 

3. Commute-Worthy Workplaces

Numerous organisations continue to operate in a hybrid or remote work environment. Although organisations have begun implementing return-to-office mandates, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to this situation. Within this discussion, the return to office rules should focus on core outcomes like engagement and connection for individuals and teams. Individuals want to form relationships with their team members, and it is in person where such connections can thrive. Now that roles can effectively be completed outside the traditional office environment, the office space is now used differently.

To make your workplace commute-worthy, consider the below:

  • Redesign your office. Think plants, ergonomic chairs and desks, or even artwork that makes your team members feel welcomed and enjoy working in the space. It is important to also ensure there are plenty of desks and collaboration spaces. In the Corporate Edge office, we have decals displaying our purpose, vision and values, several plants, and standing desks to give our team members a more enjoyable office experience.
  • Ensure initiatives are put in place to encourage team members to want to come into the office. For example, lunch provided on a certain day of the week or after-work hang outs can boost team connection.

4. Artificial Intelligence

AI. These two little letters will continue to have a big impact on the way teams work. AI may seem scary – surely you’re aware of the ‘Terminator’ film series – but it presents a great opportunity for team members and organisations. The technology now exists to automate unproductive and time-consuming tasks and allows more work to be done with less time spent.  

Implementing AI-driven workflows frees your team up from unnecessary tasks that reduce efficiency and productivity. Investing properly and understanding key systems and processes, will allow you to implement the right type of AI structure. Regarding the implementation of AI, consider the below:

  • Educate, educate, educate! AI comes in many forms and is across multiple platforms. Invest time in researching the possibilities that AI can bring to your workflow and be AI-driven, not AI-led.
  • Upskilling your team in platforms built with integrated AI will also encourage digital dexterity, enabling your team to be adaptable and encourage organisational growth and success.

5. Regulatory Changes

In case you missed it, there were some changes to workplace regulations that passed in December 2023 and January 2024. As a leader, it is your duty to stay up to date with regulatory and legislative changes. Over the last few months, changes have been made to the Pay Gap Bill, Psychosocial Hazards, superannuation and more. Individuals are becoming more aware of these changes, especially when concerned with pay transparency, pay gaps and wellbeing.  

Consider the below: 

  • Always check your compliance with workplace regulations and encourage culture change. Fostering a culture of psychological safety will help your team members feel supported and open to discussing challenges. Looking for a guide to foster psychological safety? Read our thought piece about it here.
  • Legislative changes around psychosocial hazards are crucial for organisations looking to increase and maintain wellbeing for their teams and become a more attractive option for top talent.

We are 2 months into 2024 and already we can see the above five trends playing out in our workplaces, so we’re putting it to you – how can you make these trends part of your organisational and workplace culture this year? 

  1. Pip Lyons, Justin Angsuwat, Sarah McCann-Bartlett, 2024, “HR Trends: What’s to Come in 2024?”, Culture Amp, 30/1/24 
  2. Terrazas. A, Zhao. D, 2023, “Glassdoor’s 2024 Workplace Trends”, Glassdoor, https://www.glassdoor.com/research/workplace-trends-2024, 19/2/24


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