The FAQs of Workplace Culture and Wellbeing

The link between corporate culture and employee wellbeing is growing increasingly significant. Wellbeing programs — extending far beyond just gym memberships — are rapidly becoming organisational priorities due to the benefits they offer both individuals and employers, inside and outside the workplace. 

So, how can you implement a strategic and purposeful wellbeing initiative that benefits both your people and your organisation? 

A tailored wellbeing program that actually gets to the root of the problem, designed for leaders and individuals alike, and gives you the tools and resources to adapt and embed effortlessly into your existing culture! 

Learn more about our wellbeing program. 

We offer a Wellbeing Program tailored specifically for organisations and their cultures. This program equips your team with the necessary tools and strategies for successful implementation and high-impact, sustainable results. 

Curious about our perspective on wellbeing? Our resident wellbeing expert Eliza has answered some common questions below. 

Q: What does wellbeing mean in a corporate context? 

Wellbeing in the workplace is a combination of how team members are feeling and functioning. It’s important to recognise that wellbeing doesn’t necessarily mean always feeling good; it’s about maintaining functionality even during emotionally challenging times. At Corporate Edge, we believe wellbeing encompasses these three elements: 

  1. Physical Wellbeing: Physical wellbeing can be achieved by embracing and practising a healthy lifestyle. We encourage walking meetings, sunshine breaks in the office, having healthy food options available and supporting activities that promote a balanced lifestyle. 
  1. Social Wellbeing: This element is achieved through a work-life balance and positive interactions with others, both in a work environment and in their personal lives. We acknowledge the importance of everyone’s personal time, and avoid contacting team members outside of hours and there’s no expectation of having notifications or emails on your personal phone. 
  1. Emotional/Mental Wellbeing: This involves feeling like you belong, have a sense of purpose, and that you’re in control of your life. Through the village mindset, we always act with the Corporate Edge purpose and values front of mind. We encourage forging deeper connections and regularly check-in with each other as a team, and as individuals. 

Read our thought piece to find out more about the three elements of wellbeing. 

Q: Why should organisations prioritise wellbeing? 

Prioritising wellbeing is crucial because it directly affects individual performance, which in turn has a significant impact on organisational success. Wellbeing contributes to creating a supportive environment where team members feel valued and capable of performing their best work. Addressing wellbeing can prevent mental health issues, enhance job satisfaction, and improve overall productivity​​. 

Risk management in terms of mental health and wellbeing is also a key role, and can help individuals struggling by providing them the right support and resources, before any major risks. Through check-in platform Skodel, this is managed in a thoughtful, anonymous and intention way, providing leaders with high-level analytics and data to make informed decisions. 

Q: How can organisations promote physical and mental wellbeing among employees? 

Organisations can promote physical wellbeing through initiatives like safety-first training, healthy snacks in the office, and subsidised gym memberships. For emotional/mental wellbeing, creating a psychologically safe environment is key. Implementing Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and comprehensive wellbeing programs like ours can offer the necessary support. Encouraging activities such as yoga, meditation, and providing resources for professional mental health services are also beneficial​​. 

Q: How can an organisation measure the effectiveness of its wellbeing initiatives? 

To measure wellbeing, you can conduct regular engagement surveys, pulse checks, or culture surveys. Regular check-ins and anonymous feedback channels are essential to gauge the ongoing climate of the organisation. This helps understand the current state of team member wellbeing and identifies areas that need improvement​​. At Corporate Edge, we use Skodel to gauge and measure how our team members feel. 

Q: What role do leaders play in promoting wellbeing and a positive culture? 

Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping wellbeing and culture. According to Headspace’s Workforce State of Mind 2024 Report, 48% of employees report turning to their managers for mental health support. Leaders can greatly influence the workplace culture through their actions and behaviours, so it is crucial that they are equipped with the right knowledge to effectively support their team. Leaders should engage in regular one-on-one conversations, understand their team members’ needs, and create a cause-based culture with clearly defined values and expectations. By fostering psychological safety, leaders can significantly improve wellbeing at work and drive positive cultural change​​ in the organisation. 

Q: How do culture and wellbeing work together in an organisation? 

Culture and wellbeing are deeply interconnected. A positive culture that prioritises people and their wellbeing naturally supports a healthier and more productive work environment. When leaders focus on creating an inclusive, supportive, and value-driven culture, it directly impacts the wellbeing of their team. Consequently, wellbeing becomes an outcome of a well-nurtured culture​​. 

You can’t have one without the other. 

Q: What practical steps can leaders take to improve wellbeing and culture?  

  1. Create a Psychologically Safe Environment: Encourage openness and ensure employees feel safe to express their thoughts and concerns. Read our thought piece for a quick guide to fostering psych safety. Alternatively, you can purchase our toolkit for leadership practices that you can implement at work. 
  1. Regular Communication: Hold frequent team meetings and one-on-ones to keep lines of communication open and understand your team’s needs. 
  1. Define Values and Expectations: Clearly articulate the organisation’s values and behavioural expectations. At the Corporate Edge office, we have our values, vision, and purpose on our walls to ensure they remain front of mind. 
  1. Lead by Example: Demonstrate commitment to wellbeing through your actions and by prioritising employee care. Leaders set the standard, so make sure you are taking care of your own wellbeing too! 
  1. Provide Support: Offer professional mental health resources and support systems such as EAPs, wellbeing programs, and professional development opportunities​​. 

Fostering a balance between culture and wellbeing is essential for organisational success. By understanding and addressing the needs of your team, you can create an environment where team members thrive both emotionally and functionally. Leaders play a critical role in this process, and their actions can significantly impact the overall wellbeing and culture of the organisation. 

If you are interested in learning more about our Wellbeing Program send us an email or call us on 02 9566 1422.


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